About Us
Who We Are
In partnership with UMKC’s leadership, we develop and deliver innovative programs and services designed to support the mission of the university and enhance UMKC’s organizational effectiveness.
Human Resources org chart (PDF)
We value your input
To effectively meet the changing needs of our customers, we are dedicated to continually assessing and improving programs and services. We welcome your ideas regarding opportunities to improve efficiency, simplify processes, increase productivity and raise quality.
HR Business Partners
HR business partners provide overall guidance in accordance with university and unit policies and practices for a wide range of human resources-related services. They may also provide oversight and instruction to other unit staff who provide transactional support, such as processing personnel actions and payroll.

Your business partner
Your designated business partner has experience handling employment and work-related matters and can answer questions in a variety of HR-related areas. They may also act as a liaison with HR for guidance and support.Learn More About Us
Online self-service site for reporting time, enrolling in benefits and evaluating performance
System web apps
Administrative web, security and system status apps
Our team
Directory where you can view staff profiles and specialties